Brad Feld

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Le Cinq – A Legendary Dinner

Apr 07, 2005
Category Places

I’ve had many great meals in my life, but only a few that I’ll remember forever such as my first dinner at Tommy Toy’s (San Francisco) with Len Fassler or the first time Amy and went to Biba (Boston – now gone) together. 

Last night’s dinner at Le Cinq was legendary.  I don’t drink, so I’m usually ready to leave any meal (or party) after two hours and one minute, but I hung in for every delightful minute of last night’s five hour extravaganza.  We went with our friends – entrepreneurs Jeff Behrens and Lori Rutter (“The Jeff’s” – that was for Lori’s benefit) and their friend Nicolas Paulmier, a partner at Cinven, a large European private equity group.

Five hours, nine courses, five great friends, incredible restaurant staff, endless dessert, and a deep food coma afterwards.  Following is the menu (which they printed individually for each of us to take home!) for those of you that want to enjoy it vicariously.

Mercredi 06 Mars 2005
Diner au Restaurant Le Cinq
Philippe Legendre, Chef des Cuisines, Meilleur Ouvrier de France

Blanc et noir aux ecrevisses pattes rouges
Salade de morilles a l’araignee de mer et au vin jaune
Grosses asperges vertes au Parmesan et a la truffe, polenta et olives noires confites
Turbot de ligne au melon d’eau, nage aux epices et au citron vert
Langouste puce aux petits pois et aux oignons doux des Cevennes
Bar de ligne roti aux epices et aux artichauts poivrade
Le selection de nos Maitres fromagers
Granite d’ananas a l’hibiscus et parfum de litchi, emulsion coco
Du chocolat exclusivement …

Eric Beaumard, Directeur du Restaurant

or – in English – according to Babelfish

Wednesday 06 Mars 2005
Dinner at the Restaurant Five
Philippe Legendre, Chief of the Kitchens, Better Working of France

White and black with the ecrevisses red legs morel
Salade have the araignee sea and with the yellow wine
Grosses green asparaguses with the Parmesan and have truffle, polenta and crystallized black olives
Turbot of line to watermelon, swim with the epices and with the green lemon
Langouste chip with peas and soft onions of Cevennes
Bar of line roti to the epices and the artichokes poivrade
The selection of our Maitres Granite Cheesemongers 
Pineapple has the hibiscus and perfume of litchi, emulsion coconut
Of the chocolate exclusively…

Eric Beaumard, Director of the Restaurant