Brad Feld

Month: July 2009

If I told you that I had just filed a patent for “a system to sell equity in domain names”, I’d expect you to laugh at me.  I haven’t ranted and raved against software (and business method) patents for a while because I got bored of doing it.  The PTO has gotten so far behind on responding to patent applications that the whole notion of a four year cycle to get a software patent approved just underscores how ridiculous the whole thing is given the pace of innovation in software.

But – today’s silly patent popped up somewhere and I just couldn’t resist poking fun at it. Go Daddy has filed a patent for a method of selling equity in domain namesI can’t wait to see what the SEC has to say about this one.

I sure do hope the new regime in Washington D.C. has the balls to address the software patent issue this time around and end this madness.

I’ve been a delighted iPhone user since they upgraded the software to have mail / contact / calendar sync with Exchange.  With the 3.0 version of the software, I’m even more delighted.  I’ve had an iPhone 3GS since the day they came out (thanks Ross for standing in the non-line at the AT&T store for me) and – with the exception of the crappy AT&T 3G network – I find new little magic happy things every single day. 

As my app portfolio continues to radically expand and I endlessly fiddle with placement, I thought it might be useful to reflect (and memorialize) the apps that are currently on my first screen.  Here’s goes – left to right, from top row to bottom row.

  1. Calendar
  2. Messages
  3. Maps
  4. IMExchange: Finally, someone got Outlook Task syncing with an iPhone app.  Worth the money.
  5. Camera: Much improved – actually good pictures!
  6. Photo
  7. Weather
  8. Kindle: Yes, I can actually read books on this.
  9. Brightkite: I use this to post pictures to Twitter.  And occasionally log where I’m at.
  10. Clock
  11. 100 Pushups: Damnit – I will get stronger.
  12. FlightTrack: Indispensible when used with TripIt.
  13. Vlingo: Apple Voice Control is good, but Vlingo is great.
  14. iPod
  15. App Store
  16. Settings
  17. Phone
  18. Mail
  19. Safari
  20. Tweetie: I’ve tried them all and this one is the best.

Page Two are my “less regularly used, but at least once a week” apps (like Fandango).  Page Three are apps from our portfolio companies (have you played Mafia Wars on the iPhone yet?  or Vampires?  or used your Pogoplug?)  Page Four is a bunch of random other junk, although I’m pretty aggressive about deleting apps I never use.

I wonder what Page One is going to look like a year from now?  Any gotta-have-em apps that I’m missing that you guys out there in blogland would recommend?

If you need / want your weekly view into the world of TechStars Boulder, following is The Founders: Episode 5: Engaging Mentors.

This week’s episode includes guest appearances from some of my closest friends, including Seth Levine, Jason Mendelson, and my Gist t-shirt.