I was in Grand Central Station yesterday admiring the shiny food court (I hadn’t been there since leaving town on 9/11). I bought a decaf latte at the Italian coffee place in the middle (I can’t remember the name). My cup came wrapped with a coffee sleeve with an ad on it that said “Starch Away – Blocks Carbs by Reducing Calories from Starchy Foods!” I turned to my wife Amy and said – “look at this – can people be this stupid?”
Apparently the answer is yes. I went to the Starch Away web site and discovered that it’s sold almost everywhere. After poking around on the web for a few minutes, I was relieved to immediately find critical articles on it. According to the UC Berkeley Wellness Letter “No one, particularly people with diabetes, should take starch blockers sold over the counter.”
At least our government makes these kooks put a disclaimer on their advertising and product stating “These statements have not been evaluated by the food and drug administation. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.”
I’m going to go exercise so I can have pizza with an extra dose of carbos for lunch.