RSS and Blogging are starting to permeate mainstream media. It’s both a blessing and a curse when something makes the front cover of the major business rags. In this case, we’re still so early on the adoption curve that these major press mentions are good early indicators that RSS / Blogging is growing real roots.
CNBC’s segment is two minutes long and was at the tail end of Closing Bell a week ago. The segment was an introduction to RSS and features NewsGator / Greg Reinacker and Yahoo! / Scott Gatz.
The Fortune article – Why There’s No Escaping the Blog – is a big one full of good stuff including mentions our of companies Technorati and NewsGator. In the “best quote in the article” category, we have Steve Hayden, vice chairman of Oglivy & Mather, saying “If you fudge or lie on a blog, you are biting the karmic weenie. The negative reaction will be so great that, whatever your intention was, it will be overwhelmed and crushed like a bug. You’re fighting with very powerful forces because it’s real people’s opinions.”
Karmic weenie – perfect – I wish I’d said that.