Brad Feld

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Gruntled – New Word of the Day

Apr 13, 2005

I’ve gotten plenty of humorous feedback on my post about abolishing the words traction, space, and thrilling from my vocabulary.  Someone asked why I was so mean to words – although this was someone who prefaces each major point he makes with “to tell you the truth” (no, please don’t tell me the truth – lie to me.)

The best note so far was from Ryan Sabga, the CEO of who donated a really cool scooter to the Boulder Philharmonic Fundraiser we had on Saturday.  He said:

Why not try and introduce a new word to the VC world? I have yet to hear someone mentioned how “gruntled” they are, as in, “great work negotiating that contract, Saunders. I’m positively gruntled.” Sure, I hear “disgruntled” just about every day but what about it’s shorter, stockier antonym? That guy gets ignored more than the high school quarterback at a Back Street Boys back stage party. I think that perhaps you have a higher purpose, and that’s to introduce the world to your buddy “gruntled.”

I’m definitely gruntled by this – thanks Ryan!