The Internet (and the candy industry) is always good for a little sex.
It was another PayDay and I was tired of Mr. Goodbar. Then, I saw Miss Hershey throwing me Kisses on the corner of Clark and 5th Avenue. In no time I pulled out my Whoppers and began feeling her Mounds with my Butterfinger. “Hey, how’d you like to Crunch on my Tootsie Rolls?”, I asked. Well, she did and it felt like pure Almond Joy. Then, I let her have my Choco Taco. She let out little Snickers and moaned,” Oh Henry it feels Good & Plenty. Even better than the 3Musketeers. Oh, those beautiful Sugar Babies!” She asked if I was into M&Ms. I said, “Why don’t you take my Whatchamacallit and slip it in your Bit-O-Honey and feel my MilkyWay?” Hey, I know men are from Mars and women are from Venus, but soon she began to get a little bit Chunky and nine months later out came Baby Ruth.
Thanks Chris (and Chris’ dad Martin).