I love books. I just finished reading for the night (and polished off another Edward Abbey book – Hayduke Lives! – not as good as The Monkey Wrench Gang – but still really good.) I went to put it in the “Read Books Bookshelf” (which happens to be the color red) and realized that it’s completely full (don’t think single bookshelf – think wall of books.)
I stared at the wall for a minute and then realized I had a similar predicament at home in Boulder. We are completely out of bookshelf space throughout the house (and there’s plenty of it.) Every few years, I decide that I’m going to give all my books to the library, but then I try and get rejected (the last time I tried, the Boulder Library told me that I could bring them in “a box at a time and they’d decide which ones they want – but they usually want less than 10% of the books” – screw that.)
I’ve decided that when I finish a book, I’ll drop it in the mail to a person that it makes me think of. Rather than have them sit in boxes collecting dust, I’ll gift them to my friends on an ad hoc basis. It’ll be my “virtual library” – I’ll have my books spread all over the place.