If you are a VC firm looking for a summer intern, or an MBA looking for a VC summer internship, Dan Primack and PEHub have put launched their 5th Annual Internship Rodeo. We regularly get inbound emails asking how to land a job in venture capital. If you have ever sent me a note like that or are looking for a job, this is one of the best ways to get in the mix.
There are currently 90 listings from around the world (mostly in the US) for summer internships. If you are a VC or private equity firm that wants to get a listing up, email Dan Primack before the end of the week and he’ll get you listed. If you are an MBA and are looking for a summer job, sign up on the PE Hub MBA Forum.
There have been plenty of posts about how to get a job in the VC business. I continue to think that the best one is from my partner Seth Levine titled How to become a venture capitalist. Seth can now update this with #6 – sign up for the PE Hub MBA Forum and join the internship rodeo. Thanks Dan, PE Hub, and Thomson for putting this together. And – no – we aren’t looking for a summer intern, but plenty of other folks are.