Brad Feld

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The Morning Pre-Run Rundown

Nov 11, 2008
Category Books

As I stall before I head out the door for an hour run in the cold, dark mountains outside my house, I thought I’d share some of the interesting stuff I read this morning with you.

Forrester Chief on What Not to Cut in a Downturn: I mostly include this since it’s so entertainingly short and substance-free.  It links to a post of George Colony’s blog titled Why this tech recession will be different which is still short, has a little more substance, but seems painfully obvious.  Maybe people will cut their Forrester spending in the downtown (oh, cynical me.)  I hope no one at Forrester is using social media or any keyword alerts that catch this blog or else I’ll be in trouble with my friends at Forrester.

Where is Dubai? Jeff Jarvis has an awesome essay on his trip to Dubai.  He’s also got some pretty pictures in the post.

Five Minutes with Angel Investor Dave McClure: I’ve done a few investments with Dave and think he’s dynamite.  I went to Startup2Startup a few months ago when I was in the bay area and had a blast.  Good stuff.

Harvard: ‘Nothing Is Fucked, Dude’: Drew Faust, Harvard’s president, writes a long email on the state of Harvard given the economic downturn titled "Harvard and the economy".  In it she acknowledges the forecast that many college endowments will be down as much as 30% this year due to investment losses.  Eek.  Now’s a good time for my MIT friends to do some extra hacks on Harvard’s campus since there will be fewer security guards running around.

And now for some news from the world of companies that I’ve invested in.

How and Why We Made Glue: Alex Iskold has a long post up explaining the design choices behind the recent release of Adaptive Blue’s product.  The product – Glue – is dynamite and the explanation of the design choices is really interesting.

Solution Spotlight: is now using Gnip: Adoption of Gnip marches on day by day.  Subscribe to the Gnip blog to see how more companies are using it.

Look Out Google Site Search, Lijit Says It’s Right On Your Heels: ReadWriteWeb analyzes Lijit’s Widget Statistics Revivial 2.0 and comes up with some interesting thoughts.  Even more interesting (at least to me) are the kind and generous words they have about Lijit’s service.  If you have a blog but don’t yet use Lijit for your blog search engine, you are missing out.

Ok – enough stalling.  Time to get dressed and go running.