Brad Feld

Tag: Boulder

Slice of Lime is looking to for Flash/Flex/PHP designer who is also a programmer at heart.  If this is you, apply now!

Are you a VP or C-level exec at a Boulder (or Denver) based startup?  Eric Marcoullier, the CEO of Gnip has created a Boulder Startup Exec Email ListIt’s open to people that fit the following criteria.

  1. Funded company (at least some angel financing)
  2. VPs and C-level folks
  3. Any vertical market (not just tech / Internet)

Eric moved to Boulder from San Francisco last month and is getting deep in the startup scene here.  He promises that VCs will not be invited to participate in this list – I tried and was solidly rejected.

While the criteria don’t include “profitable companies that never received any financing”, I’d encourage anyone that is self-funded / bootstrapped that is generating over $500k of revenue a year to get involved also.

2008 was a fantastic year for entrepreneurship in Boulder.  While the VC firm I’m part of (Foundry Group) invests nationally, the partners have made a deliberate decision to live and work in Boulder.  As a result, we believe it is our responsibility to participate actively in Boulder’s entrepreneurial community.  I’ve been living here since 1995 and have seen and helped Boulder evolve into a serious entrepreneurial hub, as written about by my friend Ben Casnocha in his article Start-Up Town in The American Magazine.

There are many people that are now engaged in the Boulder entrepreneurial community in a wide variety of ways.  I believe that entrepreneurship and innovation are the fundamental drivers of long term economic growth in the United States and have dedicated my work life to this area.  Even thought no one really knows what the 2009 holds for us, I’m hopeful that the entrepreneurial energy and momentum that has been generated in Boulder over the past few years will continue strongly in 2009.

To get us started, Andrew Hyde put up two posts that are relevant to all Boulder-based software and Internet entrepreneurs.  The first is HackSpace at TechStarsOn January 15th at 5pm, the TechStars space (the Bunker) will be opened up for anyone to come hang out and hack together.  If you know where the Bunker is, just show up.  If you need more info, drop Andrew an email at andrew {at}

Also up on the Boulder is for Startups site, Andrew has a post titled Boulder Jobs.  If you are a company in Boulder that is hiring, drop Andrew a note (andrew {at}  If you are looking for a job, drop him a note also.  Look for a steady evolution of a local job site that builds off of the very successful Boulder Job Fair event a few months ago.