Brad Feld

Results for: facebook

I’m Creating A Platform For Platforms Of Platforms

Dec 23 2010
I nominate “platform” for overused tech word of 2010.  Yeah, I whined about this a few months ago in my post Your Platform Is Not In My Space. I hear the word “platform” in over 50% of the short pitches I get.  A friend of mine who is working on a new startup that isn’t […]
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Just Make It Faster

Dec 19 2010
As a user, how often have you thought “I wish this web service was faster.”  As a CEO, how often have you said “just make it faster.”  Or, more simply, “why is this damn thing so slow?” This is a not a new question.  I’ve been thinking about this since I first started writing code […]
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Reverse Flips

Jul 29 2010
Like most of the blogosphere, I’ve been trying to use Flipboard since its extraordinarily well executed (or well hyped – I can’t tell yet) announcement.  But, like almost everyone I know, I can’t get it to authenticate Twitter or Facebook.  Two days ago I entered in my email address to reserve my place in line. […]
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