Brad Feld

Results for: facebook

Email Is Still The Best Login

Mar 30 2010
After downloading Skype 4.2, I realized that I could now invite all of my Facebook friends who had Skype accounts to my Skype contact list.  So I did.  Unfortunately the Skype UI for this sucks so I had to go through about 1,000 entries a screen of five at a time unchecking the Facebook friends […]
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100% Click Through Rate

Mar 30 2010
I was thinking about how to drive CTR’s up via different mechanisms this morning when this email arrived in my inbox. I remembered talking about high CTR email response rates with Dave McClure and Shervin Pishevar when we were in DC on our Startup Visa trip at the beginning of March.  I’d forgotten about this […]
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What Seems Like A Fundamental Flaw in Microsoft Outlook Social Connector

Feb 17 2010
I’ve been obsessed with the notion of email as the ultimate social network for a while.  I wrote a post in 2007 titled Social Networks In Obvious Places that catalyzed me to thing harder about this as an investor.  I eventually decided that the email address is the ultimate reference id for one’s current online identity […]
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