Brad Feld

Results for: facebook

Social Networks In Obvious Places

Dec 10 2007
Upon my return from a week off the grid, I was slaughtered by Facebook invites, LinkedIn invites, and an endless stream of unread blog posts.  It only took me 75 minutes of my morning routine to get through all of them.  The most entertaining ones had parallel structure to them: "you are my friend on […]
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Where Is Microsoft In This Party?

Nov 14 2007
I’m completely baffled.  Yesterday, Saul Hansell of the New York Times had an article titled Inbox 2.0: Yahoo and Google to Turn E-Mail Into a Social Network.  Saul’s article is short and punchy, but excruciatingly obvious to anyone that has been playing with email for a while. The amount of "social network" information contained in […]
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