Brad Feld

Results for: immigration

Canada Is Going To Be The Next, Great, Entrepreneurial Tech Country

Apr 26 2018
This article, Engineers Are Leaving Trump’s America for the Canadian Dream, stimulated a simple thought for me. Canada has a huge, near-term competitive opportunity over to the US.  I have a deeply held belief that US entrepreneurship has benefited extraordinarily over since World War II due to the desire of people from around the world to […]
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Seattle Screenings of For Here or To Go?

Sep 21 2017
Amy and I have been big supporters of a movie about immigration called For Here or To Go? With our friends at Boundless, we are sponsoring a week of screenings in Seattle. We are supplying a bunch of free tickets and – when they are used up – will still have a set of paid tickets available. […]
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America Is Pushing Entrepreneurship To Other Countries

Jul 11 2017
Yesterday, the White House announced it was delaying and likely eliminating the International Entrepreneur Rule. This rule is the closest we’ve come to a Startup Visa, something I’ve been working on with numerous other people since 2009. Several failed bills in Congress, a failed bipartisan Senate comprehensive immigration reform bill, and an Executive Order later, […]
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Boulder Screening of For Here or To Go

May 06 2017
Amy and I are executive producers of the movie “For Here or To Go?” We’ve decided to fund the screening of it in Boulder. It will be showing at It will be showing at The Boedecker Theater at The Dairy Center for the Arts on May 28th at 4:30pm. Tickets are only $11 and are limited. […]
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AVC, Gotham Gal, and Feld Thoughts Communities Rally $100,000+ For The ACLU

Jan 30 2017
Sunday morning Fred Wilson put up the following blog post: A $20,000 Match Offer On ACLU Donations Today. Joanne Wilson put up a similar post titled A $20,000 Match Offer On ACLU Donations Today on her blog. It came after a flurry of emails that started with one from me at 7:41am. “Inspired by Chris Sacca, Amy and […]
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Unsettled and Disgusted

Jan 29 2017
I arrived home from Australia yesterday. David Cohen and I spent the week there together to learn more about the various startup communities in Australia, to spend some time with the team that is leading Techstars Defence in Adelaide, and to watch an amazing Federer / Wawrinka semi-final. I didn’t find out about Trump’s Executive Order on […]
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