Brad Feld

Results for: immigration

Time to Flip Power In America Upside Down

Nov 14 2013
I’m totally sick and exhausted with our federal government. Boehner’s statement yesterday on immigration, where he said “We have no intention of ever going to conference on the Senate bill” was the last straw for me. Idiotic and totally broken. I could rant for a while, but I won’t. Instead, I’ll encourage you to watch […]
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TechStars London approved for UK Entrepreneurs’ Visa

Apr 24 2013
Last week TechStars London was approved for the UK Entrepreneurs’ Visa. If you are accepted to TechStars London, you now automatically get the UK Entrepreneurs’ Visa. The approval will allow TechStars London teams from outside of the EU to work in the UK for up to three years. After the three years, they can apply to […]
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Startup Visa Act 2013 Introduced By Udall (D-Colo) and Flake (R-Ariz)

Jan 30 2013
Today appears to be government day on Feld Thoughts. This morning I wrote about the Colorado PUC trying to shut down Uber in Colorado (bad). Now I get to write about Senators Mark Udall (D-Colo.) and Jeff Flake (R-Ariz.) re-introducing the Startup Visa Act of 2013 (good). Mark – thank you – you’ve been an awesome supporter […]
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Canada’s Start-Up Visa Program

Jan 25 2013
I read the announcement today that Canada has just launched a Start-Up Visa Program. By doing so, they are saying to the world “welcome immigrant entrepreneurs – please come start your business in Canada.” It’s brilliant, well executed, and modeled after the Startup Visa movement that a number of us have been trying to get […]
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Startup Visa – One Step Forward, One Step Back

Dec 05 2012
On that same day the White House announced A New Front Door for Immigrant Entrepreneurs President Obama said that he was not supportive of the STEM Jobs Act of 2012. Infuriating. I’ve been working on making it easy for foreign entrepreneurs to get a visa to start a company in the US since September 2009 when I […]
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