Brad Feld

Results for: board meeting

Another Example of Class

Aug 10 2006
A few weeks ago I wrote about how pleasantly surprised I was by the thanks I got from John Minnihan of Freepository for a little help that I had given him.  I never expect anything specific in exchange for helping out – a simple thanks is plenty – but in this case his effort and […]
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Venture Capital In The Rockies – Commentary On Some Of The Companies

Feb 28 2006
Yesterday, I wrote a high level summary of this year’s Venture Capital in the Rockies conference.  I thought I’d give the local press one more day to see if anyone was going to write something substantive about some of the companies presenting.  I haven’t seen anything, so here are my thoughts on the companies I […]
View More Good, United Bad

Feb 28 2006
I’m sitting at my office in Colorado writing this (yes – you surmised correctly – that means that I did not get to Chicago today.)  Even though my early morning ticketing experience online went well, my drive to the airport at 5am was pleasant (e.g. no speeding ticket), and my experience with TSA was uneventful […]
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Why Scientists and Engineers End Up on the Wrong Side of the Value Equation

Nov 05 2004
This morning I hosted a presentation by the MIT Deshpande Center about their program to a group of Colorado VCs. I’m really excited about what the Deshpande Center is up to and will blog about that separately. Steve Halstedt from Centennial Ventures – a long time VC and one of the guys I’ve learned a […]
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NewsGator’s New CEO

Sep 22 2004
NewsGator has a new CEO – JB Holston. Greg Reinacker and I are extremely excited to welcome JB to the team. When Greg and I first started talking about Mobius investing in NewsGator, the topic of CEO came up early. I’d had a few meetings with Greg, thought he was awesome, but also felt that […]
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Return Path Acquires Netcreations

Jul 01 2004
Earlier this week Return Path announced that it has acquired Netcreations. As a result of this merger, Return Path now has over 1,500 U.S. marketers as clients, 500 top web sites and ISPs as data partners, 650 channel partners, and a registered user base of 41 million active consumers. Both Matt Blumberg (Return Path CEO) […]
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