I’m hell on laptops. I fondly remember my first Compaq luggable (aka “the sewing machine”) – it’s still up in my parent’s attic somewhere. Every year or so I get a new one, and my IBM T40 had served me well.
I’ve been jonesing for a tablet PC for a while. I tried the first Compaq when it was released (it sucked – returned) and recently tried the new HP Compaq Tablet PC tc4200 (ok, but lousy screen and marginal keyboard – returned).
So – it was with relatively low expectations that I awaited my IBM X41. It was released in June and it didn’t show up until mid-August. But – it was worth every minute of the wait. This is the first tablet I’ve used that is completely interchangeable with a laptop (e.g. you want a laptop – fine, you want a tablet – fine.) While this is a Lenovo computer (instead of IBM), I can’t tell the difference between it and my IBM T40 (which was an IBM computer) – the IBM to Lenovo handoff appears seamless so far.
Without question, this was the best toy of the month. I’m only five days into September, but I came home to a few fun toys, so next month may have some competition.