Brad Feld

Category: Things I Like

Another GooglePark episode is up and it’s hilarious (as usual.)  And – as a special bonus – I discovered EllisonPark which I have no idea how I missed before.

I guess it’s my week for having people email me clever things on YouTube and ifilm.  Bill Gates and Napoleon Dynamite spend some time together in their apartment and on the Microsoft campus.  Priceless. 

The Big Lebowski is in my top 10 favorite movies of all time (ok – I admit it – so is Caddyshack.)  Paul Kedrosky pointed me to The Big Lebowski: F*cking Short Version that lasts about two minutes.  I always wondered why I loved this movie so much – now I know.

I’ve had a rash of friends and colleagues struggle with various forms of cancer (most notably, but not limited to, breast cancer) the past 24 months – I guess I’m of the age where this starts to be a real part of one’s life (fortunately I haven’t lost anyone to this, which is a testament to progress since “cancer” is no longer an automatic death sentence.)

Derek pointed me at MyCancerPlace – an online community for people with cancer.  It’s another twist on the resurgence of the rapidly spreading community model.  It looks like it has just launched and there’s not much content yet, but at first glance it’s well put together.  If you – or a friend / family member has cancer, it’s worth taking a look.

Alan Shimel – Chief Strategy Officer for StillSecure, blogger, and now podcaster interviewed me and Scott Converse today.  Scott is the founder / CEO of ClickCaster, a Boulder-based podcast creation and hosting company (Alan uses ClickCaster for his podcast.)  Scott has been around the block (eWorld anyone?), is a great entrepreneur, and a fun guy to hang with.  ClickCaster has made a ton of progress since I first met Scott a year ago – definitely worth a look if you are into podcasting.

I was recently introduced to Dogster by Jeff Clavier.  My skeptical gene kicked in big time when I first heard about it (a social network for dogs – c’mon) but then I went and played with it and got to spend some time with Ted Rheingold (not surprisingly the “top dog.”)  Woof – Ted totally gets it!  I put up short profiles for my dogs – Denali and Kenai – just to see what would happen.  So far it’s been a much more interesting experience than my MySpace page.  But then again – I like dogs more than I like people.

While Dogster and its sister site Catster are pretty “vertical verticals”, you can’t ignore 185,000 dogs, 78,000 cats, a whole lot of pageviews, and a lot of very fetching community content.

Chris Sacca linked to this video of an unreal hockey fight between Russia and Canada in 1987.  Egads.  Where’s Jack Bauer when you need him to break things up?

Rick Segal carries his toilet seat into a grocery store to make a point and Scott Converse builds a craptop.  It must be summertime.

I’m trying to do a marathon in every state by the time I turn 50.  I’ve got 7 down and 9.5 years to go.  Today, I got an email from a reader named Gary that pointed me at Sam Thompson’s website describing his efforts to run a marathon in each state in the next 50 days.  Sam has already nailed 12 of them (in the last 12 days) and is in Albuquerque as I write (probably recovering from the Duke City Marathon or on his way to Wichita, Kansas for tomorrow’s Wichita Marathon.)  He’s doing this to donate to the Mississippi Coast Hurricane Relief efforts – my check is in the mail.  Sam – you are a nut – a good nut.