Brad Feld

Results for: depression

Do More By Doing Less More Deeply

Jan 01 2014
I’m glad it’s 2014. Last year was a difficult one for me as I hit a wall of depression that completely surprised me. I was over it by mid year and, while the second half of the year was better, I still struggled with figuring a bunch of stuff out about what I cared about […]
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How’s That No Travel Thing Working For You?

Jul 07 2013
I stopped travelling mid-May (I arrived home in Boulder from San Francisco on 5/17). I’ve decided not to travel at all for the rest of 2013, except for three personal trips (my parents 50th anniversary, Amy’s birthday, and my birthday.) After travelling 50% – 75% of the time for the last 20 years, I needed […]
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Discover Some Awe This Weekend

May 24 2013
It’s the beginning of summer. That is a good thing. Spend three minutes watching the amazing video below and get inspired to open your eyes and breath in this weekend. As I come out of my depression, I’ve been systematically changing many of my tactics and habits. Simple things like deciding not to wake up […]
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When The Sun Comes Out

May 10 2013
It’s such an immense relief when the oppressive weight of depression begins to lift. While I’ve had a big struggle the past six months, the last few weeks have been better and recently I’ve felt a broad positive shift in how I’m feeling. My metaphor for my depressive episodes has always been that “dark clouds […]
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