Brad Feld

Results for: facebook

The Semantic Web Can Be Your Friend

Sep 20 2007
Alex Iskold, the founder and creator of Adaptive Blue, has a long and helpful post up titled Semantic Web: Difficulties with the Classic Approach.  I have a small investment in Adaptive Blue (Union Square Ventures is the lead investor), love what Alex is up to, and relish anything that comes out of his brain. One […]
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Lijit Blog Explore aka Bubbles

Aug 31 2007
Stan James just wrote a post titled Explore the world of blogs around you which describes the new Lijit Blog Explore feature.  I’ve been calling this feature “bubbles” and if you look at the image below you’ll see why. Pretty colors, eh? Try it.  Go to my blog and click on the “Explore” button on […]
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Let’s Get Vertical

Aug 28 2007
I love to invest in companies that are developing broad horizontal technologies.  Many of them – such as NewsGator, FeedBurner, and Rally – can be applied to many different vertical markets.  I personally revel in the tension between engineering, product marketing, and sales.  It’s challenging to sell a horizontal product in an emerging market, especially to enterprise buyers.  You need […]
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Fun With Friends

Aug 18 2007
After waking up from a nap dreaming about Social Graphs (ok – not really) I realized I’d never tried to integrate my Outlook contacts into “the other stuff I use on the web.” I figured I’d start with Facebook since it’s all the rage these days.  I have 423 friends on Facebook.  I’ve been pretty […]
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Social Graph – The Next Future Overused Phrase

Aug 18 2007
Get ready to start hearing “Social Graph” as frequently as you hear “Web 2.0.”  The construct of the Social Graph (and its friend – Social Network) has been around for a while.  Now that Facebook has stolen our minds (and help us control our friends), we all are part of a social network.  Or nine.  […]
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Calling All Developers

Aug 12 2007
The TechStars hiring wave is beginning.  One of the companies – J-Squared – which makes the popular Facebook application “Sticky Notes” (Facebook app #31 – over 1.5m users) is looking for a hot shot developer to add to the team with the following background. Ruby/Ruby on RailsFlex 2XHTML/CSS/Javascript/AJAX/JSON/XMLMySQL Apache2/Mongrel If you fit this and want […]
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Protecting Your PHP Source Code

Aug 12 2007
Time for a Sunday morning nerd out.  If you are a programmer or entrepreneur in a company that develops in PHP watch in horror as the main Facebook source code is released into the wild.  Of course, this could be a hoax, as several commenters assert, but it also sounds like it’s a possibility due […]
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A Significant Interview

Jul 30 2007
My friends Larry and Pat Nelson of interviewed me last week.  The word of the interview appears to be “significant.”  Feel free to play bozo bingo and count the number of times I refer to something as significant.  I covered a bunch of stuff – exits, “web 2.0 or whatever”, several TechStars companies, Facebook, […]
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What Was Your First Computer?

Jul 23 2007
Last Thursday when I was in New York I swung by Steve Rubel’s office and hung out with him for an hour.  We caught up on a bunch of stuff but managed to squeeze in a short riff about our first computers (yes – we were talking about how old we were – which is not […]
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