Brad Feld

Results for: facebook

Calling All Bloggers – Get Lijit

Jul 22 2007
I love companies with a clear mission in life.  FeedBurner’s was “we will do all kinds of wonderful things for your feed.”  Lijit’s is “we will do all kinds of wonderful things for search on your blog.”  Lijit’s goal is simple: Replace   with The new Lijit home page is up and it’s simpler and […]
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Beware Religious Platform Battles

Jul 16 2007
If you are obsessed with Facebook, you should be reading Read/WriteWeb this week (as they’ve declared it the week of Facebook.)  The first post is Facebook Week: Analyzing The Facebook Platform and Apps.  Has anyone else noticed that Facebook Inbox doesn’t have a “Forward” (or – in Facebook land – “include more friends on thread”) […]
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A CPM Here, A CPM There … Now You Are Talking Real Money

Jul 12 2007
Today’s Techmeme meme is based on Facebook advertising brings poor results. Most of the posts are talking about the rotten clickthrough rate (0.04%) on Facebook.  Some of the posts – like Scoble’s – have some constructive suggestions about how to make the advertising more relevant (note to self – “tie it to people, just like Google […]
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Another View on Vertical Social Networks

Jul 05 2007
Once again, David Cohen has “encouraged” (euphamism for “hey Brad, c’mon and write that post already”) me to respond to his post titled Big or Bullshit – Vertical Social Networks.  David called bullshit – he thinks “the aggregators and toolsets that emerge around identity” will be big. I’m a horizontal guy.  When I look at […]
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Bagging a Pair of Fourteeners

Jul 02 2007
Colorado is a beautiful place.  I’ve lived her 12 years and while I’ve done plenty of hiking and trail running, I’ve never climbed a fourteener (mountain > 14,000 ft – there are 54 of them here.)  Today I climbed two of them – Grays Peak (14,270 ft) and Torreys Peak (14,267 ft.) This is Joe Jilk, Maureen Amundson, […]
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It’s Shark Week

Jul 02 2007
Yeah, I didn’t know that either.  However, through the magic of NewsGator’s syndication services, I can automagically put the Shark Week Widget (from the Discovery Channel) on my blog (yes – I’m just playing around to see how it works.) I also automagically put Shark Week on my Facebook page.  Click, click – widgets everywhere.  […]
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iPhone Mania

Jun 29 2007
It’s the end of the quarter again – do you know where your VP of Sales is?  I bet he’s standing in line in front of an Apple Store waiting for his new iPhone.  Amy got so tired of the iPhone noise that she went to Paris (maybe she thinks the lines are shorter there.)  […]
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TechStars – One Month In

Jun 22 2007
TechStars is really cranking – I’m totally blown away by what everyone is working on and the level of engagement of the TechStars mentors.  I’m very optimistic that some great stuff is going to come out of this adventure and I’m looking forward to our first demo night on Tuesday. A number of out of […]
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TechStars Week 1

May 29 2007
David has a summary of the great first week at TechStars.  The Intense Debate guys weighed in with a post of their own and the energy in the room was huge on Thursday night when I was part of a panel with Greg Reinacker, Andrew Currie, and Jason Mendelson.  It’s pretty awesome to hang out with […]
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