Brad Feld

Results for: patents

Sawyer on The Notion of Willful Infringement

Mar 30 2010
Tonight, during Lost, I tried to decide just how “willful” Locke-the-smoke-monster was being.  I didn’t reach a conclusion – and doubt I will until the end of the season.  In the mean time, my anonymous lawyer friend known as Sawyer sent me a nice essay on the notion of “willful infringement in the context of […]
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Are Apple’s Competitors Stealing Its Patented Inventions?

Mar 04 2010
The Apple patent suit against HTC really riled up my friend Sawyer.  I wasn’t planning on posting another missive from him until next week, but I thought this was particularly timely given the public statement from Apple, including a specific quote from Steve Jobs about its competitors stealing their patented inventions.  Sawyer explains why this […]
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Sawyer Opines on the Eastern District of Texas

Mar 03 2010
My friend Sawyer is back with another post in his series of talking about software patent issues.  As I mentioned before, Sawyer is a real person named after our intrepid friend in LOST (I haven’t seen it this week – no spoilers please) who has agreed to help us navigate the parallel universe known as […]
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Annual Escalating Patent Fee Proposal

Feb 22 2010
I love the stuff that ya’ll email me (or comment) after I write a post that challenge my thinking.  While occasionally the notes are hostile (which is mostly just entertaining), they are usually really thought provoking even when I disagree.  And, when they give me a new way to think about something, they are really […]
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Sawyer Weighs In On Intellectual Ventures

Feb 21 2010
I have a number of friends who are patent attorneys.  Some have strong negative feelings about software patents that mirror mine while others keep me entertained by arguing both sides of the situation with themselves while I sit around and listen.  One of my friends – let’s call him Sawyer – has very strong negative […]
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This Week in Startups – Guest Appearance on Friday

Jan 13 2010
On Friday I’ll be in LA at Mahalo headquarters at 1pm making a guest appearance on Jason Calacanis’s This Week In Startups show.  I told Jason I’d be happy to discuss whatever he wanted to which I hope includes the Open Angel Forum, Startup Visa, Abolishing Software Patents, and all kinds of fun things around […]
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My Field Trip To The Supreme Court

Nov 10 2009
I had an incredible experience yesterday.  My friend Phil Weiser, who is now the Deputy Assistant Attorney General at the US Department of Justice, Antitrust Division (I prefer to call him America’s Top Cop on Agriculture) invited me, my partner Jason Mendelson, and my wife Amy Batchelor to attend the Supreme Court Oral Arguments for […]
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Why Did Microsoft License Exchange ActiveSync to Apple?

Sep 08 2009
While I’m delighted that my iPhone syncs with my Exchange Server, I’ve been struggling to figure out why Microsoft licensed ActiveSync to Apple (and Google).  For a long time, I used a Windows Mobile device because of the integration with Exchange (I’ve never been a Blackberry fan).  Once the iPhone integrated with Exchange, that was […]
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A Patent Ban on Microsoft Word and a Haiku

Aug 12 2009
I haven’t written about software patents in a while.  I still hate them and think they are an illogical construct.  But first, a haiku from xkcd to warm you up (and make you smile). I woke up this morning to the announcement that Microsoft can’t sell Word anymore.  Apparently a judge in that hot bed […]
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